Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Patient: Doctor, I'm looking for something unique. Your list looks complete but--

Doctor: Well, take your pick.

Patient: I've already done my research though. I'm looking for God and I want religion but I want something different. I want the savior of Christianity but not the righteousness, I want the community aspect of Judaism but not the persecution, the fervor of Islam without the Jihad, the hipness of Buddhism but not all of the asceticism, what I want is—

Doctor: Cafeterianism.

Patient: Huh?

Doctor: You pick and choose which ideas you like. Instead of you being made in God's image, it's God made in your image.

1 comment:

Alastair said...

Oh yes, so many people want a pick and mix spirituality with as few demands as possible on their time and outlook. My experience of knowing Jesus is that he doesn't let that happen!

Thanks for your thought on my blog, much appreciated. I will also be bookmarking this as it looks great (my first degree was in Drama and Theology - which is probably why i ended up as a minister in the church)